Tragedi WTC ada pada 20 Dollar. KONSPIRASI? atau KEBETULAN?
Pecahan 5 Dollar, 10 Dollar, 20 Dollar, 50 Dollar & 100 Dollar semuanya berisi gambar-gambar tersembunyi attack terhadap Amerika. Kebetulan? atau Konspirasi?
The new U.S. $20 dollar bill contains hidden pictures of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks!
Yes! see for yourself…
2nd) Compare your fold precisely to this picture.
3rd) FOLD THE RIGHT SIDE UNDER, exactly as you folded the left side. You’ll immediately see the Pentagon ablaze! (red circle)

Need more proof?
You can even fold the $20 to say OSAMA!

Need even more proof?
9+11 = 20!
With just 2 more folds your $20 bill turns into a airplane!
What’s on the $5?Not so sure about the $5 bill showing the WTC, however if you fold the bill in the reverse of the way shown about it clearly shows the Pentagon before the attack!
What’s on the $10?
What’s on the $50?
What’s on the $100?
- On the ‘Pentagon’ side, the folded bill has FIVE sides like the Pentagon !!
- On the WTC side…. IF you fold the two sides together [ like an AIRPLANE.. HEY !!] with one tower on one side of the AIRPLANE fold and the other tower on the other side of the AIRPLANE fold, you will notice the word AMERICAN is on one side and the word UNITED is on the other side… the two airlines that crashed into the WTC.. AMERICAN & UNITED !!!!!!!
- Try folding a dollar bill like you do the $20. OK, done? Now look at the side that the WTC towers were on with the other bills. Ok now you see the eagle with its head and wings cut off and turned upside down with the bottom of the pyramid picture that says “Novus Ordo Seclorum” (New World Order). Hmmmmmmm…and I work at a credit union so I have folded all the bills and it surely does seem like a sort of chronology of events. Starting with the dollar bill foretelling what the new world order will be and then all the other sequentially showing how it all begins.
- Even worse than the $20, fold a new dollar coin in half, and it turns into a black helicopter.
The flight number of the one of the planes that crashed into the Trade Centre was
Cut and paste this into a word document and change the font to “wingdings” and see what you get:
(you may not be able to see it here, so just pop it into a word document as described above)
Now, how is this for more coincidence….
The date of the attack: 9/11 – 9 + 1 + 1 = 11
September 11th is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 5 + 4 = 11
After September 11th there are 111 days left to the end of the year.
119 is the area code to Iraq/Iran. 1 + 1 + 9 = 11
Twin Towers – standing side by side, looks like the number 11
The first plane to hit the towers was Flight 11
But ….There’s More…….
State of New York – The 11th State added to the Union
New York City – 11 Letters
Afghanistan – 11 Letters
The Pentagon – 11 Letters
Ramzi Yousef – 11 Letters (convicted of orchestrating the attack on the WTC in 1993)
Flight 11 – 92 on board – 9 + 2 = 11
Flight 77 – 65 on board – 6 + 5 = 11
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